Why feeding natural treats is good for your dog.

Why feeding natural treats is good for your dog.

In recent years the popularity of natural treats has rocketed and it's so easy to understand. There are increased health benefits to feeding natural treats and you also eliminate feeding your dog any nasty additives or preservatives!! 
There are many health benefits to feeding your dog natural treats. Not only will your dog love them and love you for giving them, but natural treats will also help improve their immunity. Protein is super beneficial in boosting immunity and let's be honest not many dog foods now provide enough protein in their foods. Natural treats are 100% animal, nothing is added and nothing is hidden. They are exactly what they say and what they look like, which to us humans is not very appetizing.
Natural treats aid in better digestion. This is because dogs are not built to withstand the number of additives, preservatives, and bulking agents that are added into packet treats made to look appealing to humans, which is crazy as we are not the ones consuming them. The natural approach is easier and kinder to your dog's digestion and health. 
Dental health is declining in dogs and I for one believe this is due to the restrictions we now impose on our dogs in terms of what they can and cannot chew, what they can and cannot eat, and withdrawing many instincts and habits from them. Natural treats are fantastic at helping to clean the plaque and tartar build-up that happens over time. Nature's toothbrushes for dogs are the best way to describe natural treats, using the crunch from the natural parts of the animal helps clean all of them hard-to-reach places. 
The biggest benefit to natural treats in my eyes is the natural worming benefits. The natural wormers in the treat selection are the hairy treats, so your ears, legs, tails, etc. Hair is not digestible so as your dog consumes the hairy treat the hair passes through the digestive tract collecting all the eggs and worms it passes, as its traveling the hair will wrap itself around the eggs and worms and pull them out the other end when your dog has a bowel movement. 
So what are you waiting for? grab your pooch something from the natural selection and give them an ago! 
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